44 shell stock tags or labels are required to be
§ 251-0303.07. Shell-stock identification. Shell-stock shall be obtained in containers bearing legible source identification tags or labels that are affixed by the harvester and each dealer that ... .04 Shellstock Tagging - Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference labeling or manifest system was needed to track shellfish in the marketplace ... Shellstock harvest location needs to be consistently defined on all tags.
Molluscan Shellfish Guidance Document - Washoe County Shucked shellfish - Molluscan shellfish that have one or both shells removed. ... A container of shellstock that does not bear a tag or label or that bears ...

Shell stock tags or labels are required to be
Retail Shellfish Molluscan shellfish that have one or both shells removed. ... Each container of shellstock must have the ... The required label or tag information is. Shellfish Tagging Requirements waterproof tag of minimum size (25/8 inch x 5 1/4 inch) to each container of shellstock. If a certified shellfish processor is also. Molluscan Shellfish & Shellstock Information - Regulation 61-25 Shellstock is any fresh, raw, in-shell molluscan shellfish. ... Shellstock tags or labels from ... what is required on harvester and dealer tags.
Shell stock tags or labels are required to be. Shellstock: Identification tags and labels, Nev. Admin. Code § 446.121 A container of shellstock which does not bear a tag or label or which bears a tag or label that does not contain all of the information otherwise required ... Requirements FOR Shellfish AT Retail - datcp Each container of shellstock must have the certified shellfish dealer's tag with required harvest information. The tag or label must have the following ... Molluscan Shellfish at Retail Record Keeping Requirements. A shellstock tag must remain on the shellstock container until the container is empty and must be retained for 90 calendar days. How many days must you keep shell stock tags? - AnswersAll Oct 4, 2019 ... For shellstock, on the tag or label, record the date when the last shellstock from the container is sold or served. Retain tags or labels ...
Molluscan Shellfish & Shellstock Information - Regulation 61-25 Shellstock is any fresh, raw, in-shell molluscan shellfish. ... Shellstock tags or labels from ... what is required on harvester and dealer tags. Shellfish Tagging Requirements waterproof tag of minimum size (25/8 inch x 5 1/4 inch) to each container of shellstock. If a certified shellfish processor is also. Retail Shellfish Molluscan shellfish that have one or both shells removed. ... Each container of shellstock must have the ... The required label or tag information is.
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